Joe Farace Shoots Cars
Two Photographers, Two Motorcycles & One Model
Today's Post by Joe Farace We're taking a little detour today: First the subject includes motorcycles and second, it features portraits of a woman. In this case, a very specific woman—Tia Stoneman— who was photographed by two different photographers with two different...
Don’t Get Hysterical Over Histograms
Today's Post by Joe Farace "That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially"— Karl Pearson A histogram is a graphic representation of the distribution of exposure data in an image file. Mathematicians will tell you its an...
The Best Subjects for Infrared Photography?
Today's Post by Joe Farace “Every object in the Universe with a temperature above absolute zero radiates in the infrared, so this part of the spectrum contains a great deal of information.”—Frank J. Low Digital infrared photography has the power to transform mundane...
Here’s Why I’m Not an Equipment Snob
Today's Post by Joe Farace I’ve said this before (on this post and my photography how-to blog) but it’s worth repeating for any new readers to this blog; I am not employed, under contract or personally sponsored by a camera, photographic, software or any other kind of...
Cars & Coffee: It’s Back!
Today’s Post by Joe Farace Last Saturday’s Cars & Coffee at the Vehicle Vault was the biggest and best attended so far in the history of the Parker-based event. And in case you’re wondering, everyone behaved in a responsible and respectful manner. The fact that...
Are You Really What You Shoot?
Today's Post by Joe Farace In the automotive world it’s long been a somewhat incorrect, I think, axiom that “you are what you drive.” All this was was running though my mind while reading e-mail from a reader about one of my Shutterbug reviews of a DSLR. If you are...