When Did Cars Get So Expensive?

When Did Cars Get So Expensive?

Today’s Post by Joe Farace As I continue my quest for a new project car, the cost of cars is always on my mind. You can hear me talk about my search on this video. Update: For a short time I was chasing a Mitsubishi 3000GT and found a nice one price-wise but it...
SEMA vs. the EPA

SEMA vs. the EPA

It’s been all over the Internet: The big, bad EPA wants to pass rules requiring emissions controls on track-only vehicles, something that hasn’t been done in the past and also makes no sense. And there have been posts screaming the sky is falling while other...
Back at Ya’…

Back at Ya’…

Today’s Post by Joe Farace The move to our new server and host is finally complete both for this website/blog and my ‘Saving the World, One Pixel @ a Time’  blog. I would like to thanks Arizona photographer John Jebbia for assisting in the transition...